Heritage, Silversmithing, and Jewellery
Hello and Welcome!
I'm a jeweller, silversmith, and freelance heritage facilitator based at the foot of the Mourne Mountains. Here you can purchase and browse handcrafted artwork; read about my projects; and get in touch for bespoke commissions – thanks for visiting!

As a practicing jeweller and silversmith of over five years, my artwork has been on display as far and wide as Belfast to China. Landscapes, rural life, and Ireland’s rich cultural heritage are key themes of my work, which I explore using traditional techniques such as spinning and chasing.
As a heritage facilitator I have been involved in numerous community outreach projects, including an exploration of the shared history of Ireland’s 1798 Rebellion and host workshops across Northern Ireland teaching the red-listed craft of coppersmithing. Visit the Stories tab to read more about the work I do.

I graduated from Ulster University with a BA in Ceramics, Silversmithing, and Jewellery and a Masters in Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies. Since then I've set-up an independent workshop where I forge new ideas to exhibit and sell! To learn more about my journey, visit the About tab!